Atomic 2.0!

Hailing the pioneering woman of rock


Atomic! 2.0 is back—bigger, bolder, and ready to set the stage on fire. After 2023’s sold-out sensation, this all-femme rock revolution is turning up the volume once again, paying homage to the women who built rock ‘n’ roll—and those carrying the torch today.

Led by musical director Julia Deans (Fur Patrol), this blistering lineup brings together Boh Runga (stellar*), Dianne Swann (When the Cats Away), Vera Ellen, and Jazmine Mary, backed by an unstoppable all-female band featuring Karen Hu (drums), Rebel Reid (guitar), Mareea Paterson (bass), and Ladyhawke’s Ilayda Tunali (keys).

Expect a hit-fueled ride through the anthems of Blondie, Eurythmics, Patti Smith, Alanis Morissette, Hole, Joan Jett, Garbage, and more. These songs weren’t just hits—they were revolutions in their own right, soundtracking generations of rule-breakers and trailblazers.

This is more than a concert. It’s a high-voltage tribute to the legends, the rebels, and the innovators who refused to be silenced. Because, as Debbie Harry once said, “The only place left for rock to go is toward more girl stars.” And Atomic! 2.0 is here to prove it—louder, prouder, and more unstoppable than ever.

Images from Atomic! 2023

📸 Stella Gardiner & Johannes van Kan